"Launching missiles at orphanages" if anyone uses this immediately call the authorities this is a dangerous person
Dylan: What do you call a cow with no legs
John: What
Dylan: Ground beef
John: Lmao
Dylan: *quickly dials 911*
Aka lmao the clean version
I don't know the answer either lmao
1: Laughing my arse off
2:Lick my arse onii-chan
Person 1: lmao look at that
Person 2: maybe if you give me chance
Person1: wait... AYYOOOOOO
The comedian was so witty that I was lmao!! You should see his show.
l = When
m= The
a= imposter
o= is sus 😳
"That's an imposter situation, lmao."
launching missiles at orphanages
Joe: yo bro what you up to
Me: i just be lmao
Abbreviation for laughing my ass off
(Used as a response when something is funny or when you want to agree with something )
Amanda- Ugh this sucks
Bryce- .....and then she dropped her drink on me