Mr. Trololo is a nickname for a man with a golden voice whose name is Edward Khil. Edward got the nickname after singing a song called "I am so happy to be home" in 1976 on t.v. When the viedo reached the internet he became famous and the way he sung on the video such as lolololololololol trololo. He is old, but he sings as he did in his glory days.
lololololololololololololololololololol, LOL!
trololo lalalalala!
Mr. Trololo
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Played plane fearing, milk drinking, ass kicking BA Baracus in the A Team.
Pitied fools and tried to present a good role model to chilren at the same time.
Produced the world's best motivational video, which everyone should live their lives by, includes sections on how to recoup after doing something absoludicrous and what to do if your friends find alcohol and cigarettes in a bin, get instantly high and offer some to you (peer pressure).
Owner of huge amounts of jewellery.
"Mr T knows how to treat his mother right and he was in the A-Team, that makes him a god."
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Mr. (and sometimes mrs.) Garrisons sex slave from South Park. A total sterotypical gay guy. Gets it up the ass a lot.
Mr. Garrison: Take it mr. slave!
1. "slaps mr. slave's ass with a paddle"
2. "shoves glass tube with gerbil inside it'
3. "bones him"
Mr. Slave: Oh jesus christ!!
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Professional wrestler known as Ken Kennedy. Real name Ken Anderson.
The old-school microphone is lowered from the ceiling in a spotlight being placed on Mr Kennedy. He proceeds to say:"This next contest is scheduled for one fall! with a twen-ty min-ute time li-mit. I weigh in tonight at an astonishing 242 pounds (If need be he will, in a louder tone, acknowledge that he has gained or lost a pound). I hail from Green Bay, Wisconsiiiin! Mmmmmisteeeeeeeerrrr Kennedyyyyyyy...! (dramatic pause while climbing to the middle rope in the bottom left hand corner of the ring and raises both hands before pulling the mic to his face) KEN-NE-DYYYY!...."
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Big ol' dong. Perfect for fixing sinks, tightening screws--or screwing a tight one, if you will. A right good cock.
All the girls giggled when the stripper pulled out Mr. Goodwrench
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Crazy racist, homophobe man who constantly gets prank called by 2 radio station DJs and never catches on because he's that retarded.
Mr. Bergis: "Do you know how many NASCAR fans are registered with the NRA?"
Mr. Bergis: "Why the fuck are you calling me when my number is on the fuckin do not call list?"
Mr. Bergis: "Ellen Degeneres is a clam-licking whore!"
Mr. Bergis: "It's NASCAR, not Black Car!!"
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One of the biggest assholes that teaches at Sa-Hali Secondary. His favourite words include: "mmmkkaaaay", "and that sort of thing", "please shut up" as well as "ah for god's sake". He is a very hard to please type of guy who is constantly on your case about stupid detentions that isolate you into doing your work in his portable at lunch. He likes his little homework club.
Mr. Wedley: "alright, we need to get through this class without people goofing off and disrupting the 7 or 8 people that actually do work in this class. "
Student: "hey wedley, do you take creatine?"
Mr. Wedley: "Do I teach what?" (needs hearing assistance)
Student: "Never mind, i guess you dont take protein and creatine".
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