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Nothing Else Matters

best song from the black album fs fr lmao

the guitar solo makes me trancend reality


by DeeboTheGoose January 20, 2023


the last name of a amazing person. this person is very heart warming and likes to cuddle. they are super swaggy

matters keep you warm.

by gage deibert February 18, 2019


Matter is what the universe is built of. Matter comes in three forms: Solid, Liquid and Gas.
Also see: antimatter

The opposite of matter is antimatter.
Our universe is built of matter

by ActualWordMeanings September 6, 2022


Anything that has weight and takes up space.

Person 1: ay bro did u know we matter

Person 2: man stfu no one cares about your nerdy shit

Person 1: .....

by urbandici March 10, 2023


whats the matter
what matters in live
I matter more than your dog
black lives matter

whats the matter
im deppresed

by Someoneontheinternet820 January 15, 2021


If it did you would undoubtedly lie about whether or not it did.

Hym "No. No. It is that you prick. It is. And I know the mechanics of it you shit. It doesn't matter in the mechanics. It matters in the selection. I never said it mattered mechanically but what you're trying to say is that it doesn't matter in either and we know that that's false. Or at the very least that 'OtHeR tHiNgS mAtTeR tOo.' You're just trying to stop me from undermining that cripple's 'accomplishment.' Oh and is that the solution? Work out? Validate you? That's it? What would be the point? Earn the privilege of sharing women with a fucking retard? What an absolute waste. All that to live out a farce and appease you."

by Hym Iam October 22, 2023

1👍 1👎

hot lives matter

Something Haley Dunphy from Modern Family said that is hilarious and true. Hot people will not be overlooked!

“omg fuck that guy Tom. Why does he have to be l so hot?
Hot shaming isn’t cool dude… Hot Lives Matter.

by HotTom November 19, 2022