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A website completely hated on Urban Dictionary which is actually not that bad. Helps to keep in touch and meet friends of friends and new people.

DISCLAIMER: It is addictive though...

Today I made a Myspace, so I got to talk to my best friend Stacy who lives in California!

by siaurjadfnjszhjdhaajdh2255885522336 September 22, 2006

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The recent fad that has swept the world over.Although this site is a very good site for networking and a way for friends to keep in contact with each other it also has many downsides to it
A large majority of the users encourage being an emo fag, a goth whore, a gangstuh thug, or a stupid scene kid. Usual users of "myspace whores" post the most retarded bulletins about doing something ridiculous and reposting on the penalty of having bad luck for the rest of your life, or getting killed at a certain time period in a few days, and other such nonsense. Although this website / networking ploy had many "good" users the majority of the users are emo bitches who like it up the ass, and or scene kids who take picures in their bathrooms, pictures from a "birds eye view" looking up, and photoshopped pictures so they have no acne. Many of these people are known as "myspace whores," usually the myspace whores add random people to their friends list to boost their self esteem and show that they have more "friends" online then in real life

myspace whore: "lets talk on myspace tonight!"
myspace whore#2: "totally we can comment back and forth even tho we live right next door to each other, and our windows are 5 feet apart and i could just call you or come over, but i would rather just comment you or start a message conversation with you"
myspace whore: "thats so true, and we can add random people so we have a larger friends list of people who we dont know and say that we are hot, so our self esteem is raised!"
myspace whore #2: "totally!"

by KiMCHi CrAkA November 3, 2006

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Okay I've written several MySpace related words before, Let's get real.

A fucked up world of glitzy pictures and glitter graphics. The site, which is bombarded with ''t33nyb00pp3rs'' and overly pathetic teenagers looking to get laid across the globe. Most people over 30 shun the site as ''a waste of America's time'' but we all know that they are lying and they sneak off to use MySpace as well. Pretty soon we won't need phones because MySpace will fill that role. Thankfully we know that Tom, the creator can finally masturbate with knowing he has support, the millions of fucktards that joined MySpace.

myspace-The real global warming

by DizzyLizzy March 6, 2007

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It's the best site on the internet.
It's the worst site on the internet.
There is basically no inbetween.

Unlike Yahoo and Google and other popular sites, myspace is either a site that you absolutely love and can't get enough of it, or you just look at it and want to throw up. There is no inbetween. Pretty much everybody likes to use Google in one shape or form, and even YouTube is not that bad; a lot of people love YouTube, but myspace is basically a site that you love or just wish it will die.

Person 1: I Love myspace... I can spend all day on it.
Person 2: Ick... I hate it. It just filled with a bunch of pedophiles and 12 year old hoes, and the layout is just horrible, and it's old, like it was made in like 2003, thatz old shit...
You'll never here this: eeh...it's OK!! I can take it or leave it.. woah I can find some parent approved porn on here. *jerks off*

by MySpace Bob December 28, 2007

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Place where you talk to your friends and hang out and listen to music. And add people, if they seem even remotely familiar, like, from the third grade. Not as bad as everyopne makes it out to be. The only people who criticize it that much are the ones who can't get any friends or their parents won't let them go on, or some other stupid thing.

The only really annoying thing about myspace is the chain letters on the bulletin. GRRR!

Now that you have opended this you have to keep reading. If you break the chain the zombie of (insert name here) will creep out from under your bed at (insert early hour of the morning here).

by myaaa November 8, 2006

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myspace is an amazing website where ANYONE can find sombody to talk to also 75% of the girls on there are whores

myspace.com rocks

by mike hunt February 16, 2005

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A blogging website, believed to be now owned by Viacom (Google/CBS Nazis)and once owned by a man named Tom, in which is most responsible for the popularity of scenes and random holidays. Due to the sites popularity it is used mostly for plausibility. This is done by comedians, musicians, and (as usual) politicians. The stereotypical Myspace user is a male/female who has over 1000 friends (half of which he does not know), has over 30 photos of the same pose done over in odd angles, often makes frequent and random bulletins of begging for people to comment them and their pictures.

Warning: This site has been known to ruin friendships. (Look at the example)

Pathetic Friend: ZOMG!!1 Y AM I NOT IN YOUR TOP (8)??!!!11

Victim of Mypace: What? Oh, I just haven't been on in a while.
Does it really matter?

Pathetic Friend: Yess it does!!1 I hav u at numba 3!!1 Evn (inset name) is on thur and u dont even tlk 2 her!!1 WTF!1......

Victim of Myspace: Oh, sorry. I really didn't think it mattered. I'll change, don't worry.

The person who was replaced is now pissed off, and he is now
torn between two friends over something that is now much of a big deal...

by Hater of Scenes May 13, 2007

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