WHen you ALMOST slip up in front of an adult or teacher
“Shut up niCkels are my favorite coins”
Governments tax people through excess fees, legal penalties, and other forms of taxation in the hope to recoup revenue.
one city in Missouri imposed many new fines and taxes to add revenue to their budget. The method they implemented is called Nickel and Dime Economics
Making vague comments about someone's dirty secrets or hinting about bad behavior. Similar to drop a dime, but not as obvious, direct or complete.
"Dude, would you stop dropping nickels to my girlfriend about what I was doing last night? You're gonna get me busted for two-timing her!"
Something a chubby idiot calls herself
“ hey I think my stupid name Nickel Pumped is clever. “
The scab that a herpes leaves on your upper lip
I made out with a stripper and now I have a shit nickel
To put it simply, a male prostitute
#1 - Wow, that guy is such a nickel pickle.
#2 - Dude, James totally has a nickel pickle.