Geometry dash is a platformer game were you jump as a cube and beat levels.
Geometry dash is so fun!
That one mobile platformer game that was originally just an impossible game rip-off, but then got super popular, got ported to Steam and is a literal fucking game engine by this point
Guy 1: Woah! These animations are sick!
Guy 2: Yeah, they were made in Geometry Dash
Guy 1: Isn’t that a mobile game?
Guy 2: Well yes but actually no.
a video game that you play by jumping, flying, flipping and flapping
geometry dash is fun
When you throw a McNugget at someone as hard as you can. For example, upon entering Mcdonalds at 5am absolutely steaming from a belter of a night with the boys you order a Mcnugget share box with the sole intention and dashing nugs at unsuspecting victims at the self service.
Did our craig just dash-a-nug at gaz's head?
When someone takes a shit in your car and you don't know where the source is.
*opens car door* Holy hell! What is that god awful stench? Must be a dash doodie.
To take a shit, and then leave the bathroom without washing your hands.
I was at a urinal when I saw Bob deuce and dash! Note to self: Do not shake Bob's hand again.
Nut and dash is a last priority when paying for a check alone or when you have no money to pay for your meal
Sue: last night when I was working my shit someone left some white stuff all over the check book but there was no money
Josh: uhh you know what that is
Sue what?
Josh you just had a nut and dash...