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Alt Farming

The practice of using alternative accounts to farm rare starting items in an online video game to be transferred to a single account.

I did some alt farming and got tons of gems really quickly!

by Mattjod July 30, 2021

Farm Handjob

It’s when you get a handjob from a… wait its not that i just looked it up, its a job on a farm apparently. That’s lame

Hey you want a farm handjob?

I’m busy with getting a handjob from a farmer.

by Crackhead Craigslist March 18, 2022

Shoebox Farm

A collection of small trashy double wide trailers; aka a trailer park.

Look at that large shoebox farm!

by ShoeboxLife September 20, 2019

Tree Farm

Another term for a large bush. Not the president(s).

Alex- Man last night me and her were about to break it down but I saw she had a TREE FARM!
Dalton- damn. U mad bro?

by dckillinspree August 1, 2011

stat farm

A organization that gathers biased statistics usually to influence political discourse

Informed electorate Pac, they're a stat farm.

by jvanouw March 10, 2017

Marble farm

A grave yard. A way of describing a grave yard as growing marble grave stones.

Grandma died the other day, gotta head over to the marble farm.

by shinobi_girl13 July 27, 2011

Monkey Farming

Two people having sex while wearing gorilla costumes. A banana in the bum and penis in the vagina , while watching Planet of the Apes and making monkey sounds

The wife and i got bored and did a little monkey farming before the costume party.

by Krakatoa Balboa October 16, 2018