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Piss on the moon

Something so unachievable that there is just no point in trying.

Kick my ass?!! you'd have better luck trying to "Piss on the moon."

by Blkdaimond May 7, 2011

bluetooth pissing

The act of standing and taking a leak hands free, in other words not holding your dick.

Dave is always bluetooth pissing, that's why his shoes are always wet.

by michaelh_66 June 10, 2008

White Piss

That which is extracted from the penis during erotic moments. Similar to normal piss however of white creamy texture (aka semen).

"I sure did unload a big tub of White Piss on her chest"

by The flying Wadfuck September 16, 2013

Piss Posturing

Piss Posturing = Personal Interest in Social Situations (PISS). Some people fake that they have a sincere personal interest towards one individual in front of others in a social situation. Imagine a CEO holding court at a work function dinner table asking questions of a new junior associate. In the case of Piss Posturing, BOTH the person showing the interest, and the person receiving the interest KNOW that the person showing the interest doesn't give a damn about the other person. It's purely a SHOW, a posturing, to show others how personable and humble the person showing the interest is.

The person being shown attention feels as if he/she is being PISSED ON, and both he and the other person know it. Down deep, despite smiles on the faces, the junior associate is thinking "You don't care about me, you're pissing all over me in front of these people and there's nothing I can do about it."

She's an annoying Piss Posturing socialite. She showed a lot of interest in me at the dinner table, but couldn't remember my name when we left the party.

by Chris Rickety Spritz March 24, 2017

pissed minola

Someone who is drunk in a manner which is slightly crazy but also fun. Developed when someone was drunk and unable to write "pissed minda" on her friend's arm. Much more politically correct version of "pissed minda".

Girl 1: Girl 2, you're being a pissed minola tonight.
Girl 2: Yeah well so are you! Hey your computer's playing East 17! Let's do interpretive dance in your kitchen! *falls over*
Girl 1: Ha ha ha. *falls over*

by noyseeac November 12, 2006

Piss machine

Another word for your junk

Alright guys i will be right back, i just need to empty my piss machine

by Lysy November 9, 2020

Fish Piss

Fish Piss™ is a beverage produced by the company Lotium Urina™ inc. Only the wealthiest of people can afford Fish Piss™. Fish Piss™ can be bought with Fish Testicles™, Fish Titties™, and Fish Eggs™. You can drink it with your mouth or with a Tapeworm Straw™. If a poor person is given Fish Testicle Filled Fish Piss™ it is to gently refrigerate their insides for us (Jesus and his fellow Fish Piss™ drinkers) to enjoy with our Fish Piss.

"Hello, poor person. How are your insides I want them I'm cumming."
"mmmm yes... Fish Piss™ in my gently refrigerated insides..."

by Lotium Urina™ inc. August 11, 2020