Damn Daniel my stomach hurts I need to boil pretzel sticks.
When your shaft is soft and tangles into a knot like earphones that were shoved into a back pocket. Another case is when the garden hose has a kink in it and makes that hissing sound when you turn on the water.
First thing this morning I went to take a piss, it was a bit of a struggle with my 16 inch pretzel snake.
when you and your babe start making out put the fries into her pussy and then eat them. yum.
wowzers dude, i totally did the crispy pretzel chicken fries with tasha!
The act of eating ass at an Outback Steakhouse.
Hey, you guys tried the free pretzels at Outback?
Putting ones penis(stolen) into a German vomans vagina(pretzel) and thrusting vigorously until orgasm.
Ryan: Did you do some pretzel twisting last night with that chick?
Alex: Three times last night and once this morning, I'm a pretzel twisting machine.
Oh, pretzel twisting is wunderbar, Ja?
The most delicious part of a pretzel.
Where's the pretzel nubs?