When a fart is so raunchy, it's as if the jaws of hell opened due to Satan's craving to slap you in the face with his personal spatula. It's bad.
"Holy shit dude, what'd you eat? I was just slapped by satan's spatula!"
They're like Deviled eggs, but when secretly made with copious amounts of hot sauce they become hellishly, unbearably hot. Truly, they've become SATANED EGGS!
Holy shit Daniel! These aren't Deviled eggs, they're Sataned eggs! PASS ME THE MILK, HURRY!!!
The intense discomfort caused by chaffing around the vagina and anus after a night of heavy passion, leaving the victim with a serious case of Satan's Ring.
'After last night I'm suffering from a serious case of Satan's Ring'
Definition: The hidden bonus scenes in movies found after the end credits have passed.
Origin: The term originated with the film Masters of the Universe in which at the end of the movie Skeletor (the main antagonist) is seen to rise up out of bubbling demonic pit to shout "I'll be back". As he was seen to be rising out of Satan's Toilet the scene was referred to as the Satan's Toilet scene and eventually the term became synonymous with all bonus or hidden scenes in movies occurring after the credits.
Did you see the Satan's Toilet in Deadpool? it was a total homage to Ferris Bueller.
The act of doing something very shitty and unwanted
God damnit i have to go to satan's laundry
The spinning wheel of doom given out by a Mac trying to process seemingly simple task.
I just want to launch iTunes! Why must I face Satan's Monacle again!?!?!?
The pubic hair of a redhead female full bush in the shape of a triangle. Resembles a goatee of witch would be expected to be seen on Satan's chin.
"That redhead girl dropped her panties and I caught a glimpse of Satan's Beard"