Having an intriguing demeanor that was not all it was cracked up to be but leads to quality of a person within.
Saw the Booty before the Beauty.
A chinese Internet slang which means to "suck mine" (嗦我的), presumably a dick.
saw word new new
She says she doesn't get along with other girls but we all know she's just a saw.
Stand Ass Wipe: A method of wiping your ass while standing as apposed to sitting and leaning forward. Part of the DAT's (dirty ass techniques). Traditionally, this method is reserved mostly for the wealthy or individuals who have their crevasse sanitized by others. Occasionally necessary when defecating in the absence of a proper toilet as in nature or if you refuse to sit on a toilet seat. Requires help or proper balance and flexibility, hence considered dirty by most individuals.
A recent survey showed that many generation z'ers (Gen-Z the generation after millenials) use this method. Unclear why, presumably due to their parents cleaning up after them longer than is necessary. This generation has also been known to eat tide pods. This method may become more popular as toilet seat covers become more scarce.
Not to be confused with the LAW technique (LAW Laying Ass Wipe- reserved for infants and the morbidly obese who can't reach)
"Are you still with your boyfriend"? "No- Uh, I saw him SAW. His mom must still wipe his behind. I ain't doing that for him".
Prince to the royal wipers: "I'm ready for my SAW now".
"I still have to SAW my kid, otherwise they smear it all over the seat".
"OH CRAP, I need to SAW- the toilet is overflowing"
To cut animal flesh with a serrated blade. Often a bread knife.
" Don't tell me how to carve a turkey. I saw hundreds of turkey in my life."
Saw aka S8W Runs The COMS and is UNTOUCHABLE.
Saw AKA S8W Packed Machete After He Tries To Swat S8W BestFriend Danqzy.