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Spank the Midget

An act that marks the beginning of the end of a once successful career. Inspired by the artist, Miley Cyrus, when she brought midget back-up dancers on stage only to spank their tiny heinies.

Similar to the phrase, "Jump the Shark," coined when the character Fonzie water-skied over a shark in the hit show, "Happy Days." This episode was the epitome of a show losing ratings and resorting to desperate acts to raise view counts.

Britney Spears is going to spank the midget by going to Vegas.

by Jiggle Monkey September 22, 2013

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spank the plank

1) to masterbate
2) musical slang - to over indulgue in a guitar solo

(both samething really)

Pete took centre stage and spanked the plank for fifteen minutes before somebody turned his amp off.

by black flag May 30, 2004

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spank that shit

spank in the hell out of someone
hit on it

dudson: spank that shit

london: i will

forty: ledge

by scott facweet March 5, 2007

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spank merchant

person who likes to masterbate and holds no inhibitions about it, also a complete godshite.

close the door and keep the noise down you spank merchant the whole street can hear you.

by Richard J L April 6, 2006

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dick spank

An unpopular colleague or group member with poor social skills. Easy to recognize as they are obnoxiously loud and quite unattractive. This individual often inteferes with personal space and makes rude and inappropriate gestures with his crotch.

Man! Who invited the dick spank from payroll?

That dick spank takes crazy long bathroom breaks.

by Amix December 23, 2004

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Spank Bank

A pornography collection.

By gathering a sizable quantity of nudes of ones preferd attraction a person can develop a catalog of material typically used for masturbatory purposes.

In this technologically advanced age this collection can be condensed to a single folder on a smart devise for ease of storage and access.

*sees erotic picture of favorite character* thats going right in the spank bank

by Gas-Giant January 11, 2020

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ecclesiastical spanking

Noun. A public rebuke by the Pope or a bishop of a disobedient churchman or group, sometimes, but not always involving an excommunication. The act is primarily medicinal, in that it seeks to bring about the return of the errant party to orthodoxy, rather than simply to shun them.

The pope's public rebuke of the illicit and schismatic consecrations constituted an ecclesiastical spanking.

The bishop issued an ecclesiastical spanking by condemning the heterodox ideology espoused by the members of the parish.

by sambarnes January 28, 2008

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