Doing anal and they take a shit on your dick. (Back pussy oil spill)
We were fucking and there was a bp oil spill.
Boy Pussy oil spill: When you pull out of your tight twink and they leak diarrhea. Would not recommend.
I fucked my Grindr date yesterday but he had been drinking the night before. We had a BP oil spill.
When girls go on the bathroom together and “spills the tea”
Me and the girls are spilling the pee
As a male, to masturbate to an ejaculatory climax.
"Yo, That girl is very attractive."
"I fully agree. For that girl, I'd gladly spill yoghurt."
Don’t ruin the surprise for me.
Hey Bill!! I know what your wife got you for your birthday
Dude!! Don’t spill in my lap
When a man farts, cums, and instantly falls dead asleep
“Ugh, John Oil Spilled on me last night and I couldn’t push him off! It smelled so bad… I think he may have shit himself!”
When someone wants to know what drama is going on.
setting: at a sleep over with 5 girls in a circle on the bed.
Emily: Spill the tea girlies
Emma: I have no tea
the 4 other girls: ugh
Ginny: I watched 2 girls get in a fight cause' they were both prego by the same guy!
Emily: My neibor kicked out his child!
Sofia: I punched my mom!
Every 1 else: What !?!?!?!
Sarah: I broke up with my boy friend!