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Free spirit

An excuse of pretty much everything that can be socially insulting to the one that uses the term.

Frank: ''Hey Joseph, stop talking about sucking dicks, you fucking gay bruh!?''
Joseph: ''Nah nigga, I ain't gay, I'm just a free spirit nigga.

by CastleCock August 9, 2015

24๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž


A nice way of calling someone a slut. The labeled person, either a male or female, has a "free spirit" and thus is not grounded by society's disapproval of having several sexual partners. Also referred to as free.

I agree with you that Laurie is attractive and might make a nice girlfriend, but, uh, how should I put this...she's very free-spirited.

by Michael J. M. February 23, 2005

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Australian spirit

The attitude of most Australians:
If it isnt bolted down then steal it, if it is bolted down then vandalise it

The Australian spirit in action:

Jono: "Hey look a free park bench!"

Stevo: "Nah its bolted down. Lets smash it"

by bundybazza January 15, 2009

5๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Spirit of Gay

A term used to imply something is the pinnacle of crap. See Ori.

Westside pimp: Why that Poeleece man be laying a rap on my hoes! That has got to be the spirit of gay, yo.

by Ben Wiggins August 30, 2004

6๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Spirit sisters

Spirit sisters are two women who get along with each other REALLY good. Their chemistry is so good that they can not just be friends. They are more than friends but keep denying that they are dating.

Best example: Natasha Negovanlis and Elise Bauman

Interviewer: "You two are certainly more than friends."
Elise Baeman: "No, just friends. Spirit friends."
Natasha you-can-nego-my-vanlis-anytime: "Spirit sisters"

by imonmywayandgay April 11, 2018

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Spirit Sisters

Spirit Sisters are two women who get along with each other really good. They are certainly more than friends.

Its also used as a slang for two dating women but they want to keep it from other people (like fans).

"You are certainly more than friends"
"Yes, we are spirit sisters"

by imonmywayandgay April 12, 2018

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spirit country

Sprit country refers to the one country that many travelers go to that makes them feel alive and powerful. A country that helps guide or protect a person on their wanderlust journey.

This country has all the characteristics that a person, who is traveling through it, shares or embodies.

It can also mean a country that is a metaphor, often in a funny matter, for someone or something a person relates to or admires.

Kingsley: How was Bangkok
Anthony: Bro, it was amazing. Bangkok is my spirit country. It is all me

by Rosy's Son April 20, 2020

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