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Still Hating

People from your past are still hating.

Those people right over there are still hating the presidential election.

Why are people still hating, get your life together, stop worrying about everyone else and how they're living their life and such..

Sitting around enjoying the chatter of shit and suffering from horrid diarrhea of the mouth, yikes.

by HatersLoveMe February 23, 2013

Still Not Dead

The only appropriate way to toast with a group of men, acknowledging your continued existence on this mortal coil.

*drinks received*
Man 1: How's everyone doing?
Group: Still Not Dead!

by 23yearoldeyes August 26, 2023

Man of still

A term used by illiterate, dyslexic, motherfuckers hailing from Lapeer county michigan when trying to entice any woman willing to give him a shot in the area of dating, ultimately for sex (i.e. DTF)

These men typically are single due to their inability to keep a female due to their narrow minded nonsensical behavior, terrible grammar and low IQ.

"For all u single female out there, here the real man of still for you"

Translation : for all you single females out there, here's a real man of steel for you

by Grammarnazi_810 April 4, 2017

Still Water

Water that is still, is very hazardous. Contains brain eating amoeba (those who know).

Me: Yo I think that's still water
You: What's still water?
Me: *german stares*
Those you know 🗿🗿🗿🗿

by huzzler December 2, 2024

still water

those who know💀 dead air+Balkan rage+Chinese twerk+ German push ups +still water+polish dance+Scottish breathing+iron lung+tasmanian devil fart+polynesian mewing+Russian shopping+Diddy dance+German stare+Mexican Jump+Cuban Gargle+Diamond Tooth+mango phonk

dude:hey bro you haven't showered in three days with is happening to you
dude 2:heh.....you haven't seen me activate my Balkan rage yet
dude 2:*drinks still water and fucking dies*
dude:finally I can fuck his ass
dude 2:mango mango mango mango
dude 2: those who know💀 dead air+Balkan rage+Chinese twerk+ German push ups +still water+polish dance+Scottish breathing+iron lung+tasmanian devil fart+polynesian mewing+Russian shopping+Diddy dance+German stare+Mexican Jump+Cuban Gargle+Diamond Tooth+mango phonk

by ThisisACertifiedUDaccount November 18, 2024

Still water

water that has been left for a long period of time and is dangerous. (those who know)

Yo, i was going to an abandoned basement and i found still water

by va3 October 26, 2024

Still Water

Still water is water that is not flowing, therefore containing large quantities of brain-eating amoeba.

I started my winter arc by using my Balkan rage to drink still water while doing the Jamaican stare and listening to Mango Mango Mango Phonk (Slowed).

by Oklahoma Rage Official October 7, 2024