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Super Asshole

A Level of an asshole that cant be described as known as the king of all assholes

Gosh Sean is a super asshole for making me sign a contract before we even have sez!

by Gary Muthafuckin Oak March 11, 2011

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Super gay

Beyond normal gay

The shorts Thomas wore were super gay!

by DixieDoll April 4, 2015

50๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Super Gay

Super gay is a sexual orientation in which an individual only feels attraction to towards the same gender. The person that is getting attraction must however be born of the same gender,and cannot have transitioned to it.

Similar to Super Straight

Someone : would you date a trans man ?
Guy : No, I'm super gay.

by Supergeyy March 5, 2021

180๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž

super jesus

Super Jesus was formed in 5 A.D. when he conquered the Romans, and ate their souls to gain their power. Super Jesus has the extreme power of 100 Jesus' put together and has abs that you can break walnuts over. He has been known to hold a bigass hammer and is often smiting anything in his path. He is also the father of Captain Planet and Super Man.

Any real example of Super Jesus would implode the universe 10 times over.

by fritzicles March 7, 2007

71๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Super Whodini

When a man is having sex with a women (while she faces out a window), he subtly pulls out and has a friend and or stranger switch place. The initial partner then goes outside the window to her surprise.

This girl was so drunk I was able to pull off the Super Whodini with my buddy.

by Chita Maine May 7, 2013

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Super Bruce

To Super Bruce something is to have a job at a low paying store and work as hard as you possibly can, so hard that your co-workers believe you do cocaine before work to get extra wired. If you are Super Brucing something you cannot take a break till the job is done, and you have to work as hard as physically possible.

Shawn:I Sure Super Bruced that Coke to the shelf Eh?

Brandon: Yeah that was real fast

by Shawn Bencze August 21, 2008

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super screwdriver

A screwdriver (alcoholic drink of vodka and orange juice), made instead with Everclear and orange soda.

Last night we ran out of Grey Goose, so we made a super screwdriver with our Everclear and Crush orange soda.

by ghetto drinks August 31, 2010

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