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Sussy baka

Sussy Baka means quirky and cute but with more of a bootifull word

It’s just a sussy Baka and it can not be that bad.

by May 8, 2021

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sussy baka

he is sus.no you okay so WHO is the imposter. you. not me. no thats you sussy baka

Sussy baka

by Susssssssy baaaakakak June 16, 2021

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sussy baka

when someone is acting like a suspicious idiot used by anime weebs

e.g. steven and mr martin are sussy bakas

by danielodueke July 5, 2021

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sussy baka

a sussy baka is a type of person most likely an idiot that is acting quite suspectful and is acting suspicious in ways of among us

"he's a little sussy baka but he's mine >:)"
"such a sussy baka i say!"

by justhayden0 June 1, 2021

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Sussy Baka

When someone is sus like the amongus imposter and is very baka.

Jaxon is a huge Sussy Baka

by YEETERDEFEATER May 21, 2021

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Sussy Baka

When the imposter is sus 😳

You're a sussy baka 😩

by AstroDexx May 26, 2021

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Sussy Baka

Sussy Baka refers to a male by the name of Dusty who is awfully suspicious.

Girl 1 : Have you seen that guy over there?
Girl 2 : Yeah, I heard he's a sussy baka.

by Actual Skater June 6, 2021

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