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cancer music

Cancer music is something you fucking hear during minecraft tuto rials and shit it really is over used and needs to stop.

But srsly guys people die from cancr so stop it cancr is bad.

Gay: OMGET! ! the minecraft tutorial i saw is so good!!
Lesbian: Ya ik it has cancer music in it

by A_gay_man September 13, 2017

puppet cancer

1. A form of cancer that, when contracted, transforms you into a puppet version of yourself.
"Angel doesn't have puppet cancer"
2. Cancer for puppets.
"Jim Henson was sued by Kermit after he contracted Puppet Cancer from filming outdoor scenes without being provided with sunscreen"

1. "Angel doesn't have puppet cancer"
2. "Jim Henson was sued by Kermit after he contracted Puppet Cancer from filming outdoor scenes without being provided with sunscreen"

by Chris Amigo June 10, 2014

Cancer Groupies

People who get off on another person's disease and/or death. Someone who wasn't around before the said "problem".

For example, Nicole and Emily commented on Tiffany's facebook wall telling her how she is such a strong person for going through this battle with cancer but where were they all the years before? They are nothing but cancer groupies.

by anticancergroupies November 3, 2010

Marshall's Cancer

Cancer that cant be cured at all.

You are infected with Marshall's Cancer your not going to die but now your a noob at minecraft and fortnite like Ninja's Ligma.

by Dashie tribe May 8, 2019

Gullet Cancer

The two words you don't particularly want to hear from your doctor, but if some day you WERE to hear them you'd probably rupture your gullet laughing about how great the word gullet is.

Doc: I'm sorry sir... You have gullet cancer.

You: Ahahahahaha... *strokes neck* Ooooohh...

by No Dizzle December 30, 2016

half cancer

When one has half of their head shaved and has the uncontrollable urge to wiggle their fingers fast.

Sorry! My half cancer is acting up

by Astreet13 February 4, 2017

Sky Cancer

A term used for Aircraft Carriers in World of Warships. It is commonly used by people playing destroyers or who's ship has a below average AA.

Person 1:This FDR pisses me off.

Person 2:Of course, it's sky cancer but do you expect Wargaming to do anything

by TimelessHatesCV's April 1, 2021