"Hi sir Fidel, my father's name is the one of the greatest scientist of democratic republic of Congo, Eddy malou (E, double D, Y hyphen M, A, L, O, U) that is it means the esteem of KNOWLEDGE, the ones who knows lots of things"
"...the congolexicomatization of market laws, please..."
"-Do you know rollerblades ?
-Yes, it's all about this, because, when we speak about reller, we can see nuclearity."
It's a next eddy malou level of bullshit
a very handsome man,who has a angry personality when you first meet them but an amazing caring person once you meet him, he has freckles, pretty grey-green eyes that match his smoke perfectly, he has an amazing personality and his laugh is the best thing ever. He is very overprotective over the people he loves or cares about and he gets angry quick. He dyes his hair quite a bit, But he has no flaws to them, and he gets excited over small things. He is very handsome and important to a lot of people, and I think he's a very snazzy person. :
you don't need an example to understand how great Eddie Owada is
Pronounced: A-nul Pra-ree-dawg
A small, hard, tenacious ball of fecal matter that resists expulsion from the anus and causes great discomfort.
Dammit, I have this persistent pelvic pressure and I keep squatting , but I just CANNOT squeeze out this Eddy Davidson. Out, Eddy Davidson, out already!
A gay man who walks up to people and knocks them out and then sucks their dicks’.
You better shut up or I’ll give you a Fast Eddy.
Romanian trap god which has outstanding songs and a great relationships with his fans.
It’s like : Who has the best merch and a top-cracking incoming album?
It’s eddy nedelcu bro
An individual of limited intellectual ability who grunts periodically
Bob is such a speddy eddie, he ran over his mother again.
when a gay man with a tiny dick tries to fuck another man but the other guy refuses to suck his dick because it’s too small so he sucks it himself
guy 1: ur penis is too small i won’t suck it smh
guy 2: fine ill suck it myself
guy 1: go on then do a dirty eddy
10👍 5👎