Source Code

habbo hotel

Possibly the only online game where people don't usally call you "noob".

geek living in mom's basement:l0l xl n33b u i2!!!!1111

Normal guy:um...this is habbo hotel,not runescape...

by cookamonk March 14, 2006

5๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hotel Sex

When two lesbians meet up in a hotel room to watch Notting Hill and Garden State. They never engage in actual intercourse but the intimacy of this event is extremely powerful and usually life-affirming.

Girl, I want to have Hotel Sex with you!

by smokedweedandsalmon May 10, 2016

2๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hazbin Hotel

1. A popular animated show, only one episode of which was released so far.
2. Synonym for cringe.

Peter: What's your favorite show?
John: Hazbin Hotel, I'm looking forward to the second episode.
Peter: That's kinda Hazbin Hotel, bro.

by thekvant February 24, 2020

56๐Ÿ‘ 241๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bloxton Hotels

1. An actually very good Roblox Hotel, despite the hate, it looks very good. The workers aren't the best, but it's still a great hotel!
2. A place where you can cuff abuse

Today I am cuff abusing at Bloxton Hotels!

by Hunty2022 April 20, 2022

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Pink Hotel

a synonym for vagina

I stayed at a Pink Hotel last night man. It was so cozy.

by Beth Blanco February 13, 2012

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Hotel 6

The act of masturbating while others shake the bed for you creating the feeling of a vibrating bed.

I was having trouble and then I was Hotel 6'd.

by TheDirtyGoatee April 21, 2011

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Whiskey Hotel

To receive oral sex whilst playing Modern Warfare 2.

Person 1: Dude I got a whiskey hotel last night!

Person 2: NO WAY, was it the best thing you've ever experienced?

Person 1: Better than being born my man.

by Captain MacTavish December 3, 2009

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