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thirsty second

That moment when your just trying to fuck any girl/or guy after a while of not fucking . Their looks don't matter that much in the moment

Hey bro I think Ima fuck Madison for the thirsty second tbh

Fuck it bro hit her up

by Elhuesos.who January 23, 2017

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Second Baked

Being second hand high off of marijuana

Oh dude, you're gonna get so Second Baked off this ounce I just picked up

by NeoLobster August 23, 2010

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When you bump someone on your MySpace top friends from the first tier (top 4) to the second tier (top 5-8).

For some reason, people become overly offended when they don't make the top friends list, so demoting someone is a direct insult.

My best friend slept with my crush, so I second-tiered the bitch.

by wanderlust13 June 9, 2007

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destroyed in seconds

a show on the science channel (although it was originally on the discovery channel) about things going horifically wrong, as told through archive footage from camcorders and security cams and the likes. the show is hosted and narrated by ron pitts, who has the easiest job in the world (give in intro and an enthuthiastic narration of an explosion).
regular events on the show:
speed boat wrecks
car/motorcycle crashes
stunts gone wrong
solid show that provides good bursts of half hour entertainment.

I was flipping through the channels the other day and came across an awesome explosion. Intruiged, I stayed on the channel, and heard the enthuthiastic narration of Ron Pitts, confirming that this was, in fact, Destroyed in Seconds. I watched for the next twenty minutes, intruiged by the premise of destruction.

by wpk914 November 7, 2010

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Second Wave

Where after a night of crazy ass drinking, not only does the consumer experience one hangover... But two. This happens when hangover treatments wear off and then the user experiences a "second" wave. Usually in the early afternoon.

"Man I have to rally soon or my second wave is going to hit really hard"

by Lurkertyme July 30, 2015

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Second Amendment

To shoot and kill someone.

Did you hear about the guy who Second Amendmented his girlfriend when she came home late the other night?

by Dalekmaster June 4, 2014

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Second Base

feeling the breasts of the female.... over or under the shirt or bra

example no

by gorge May 26, 2003

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