The saying ting ting wibbily wing wing was first said by two sexy boys and it means a nice friendly greeting
Ting ting wibbily wing wing I didn't see u there ting ting wibbily wing wing
What a rapper would call his side bitch in front of his girlfriend and friends to not give it away
Yeah man, I keep getting texts from my Sling Ting
You're what?
My Sling Ting
girl who clearly express the fact that she's a slut
*girl wears top showing cleavage*
Guy:that girl is a bait ting
Wet a ting is lubing up a guys dick before you sit on it and make him explode inside your uterus or anus
Wow guys I had to wet a ting before I let him pound me
shi ting is my first choice n she will always b 💓 life without a shi ting is nothing :D
person 1: " who is ur first choice? "
persone 2: " obviously shi ting "