Confused with semen.
Glue is sticky gooey stuff that makes stuff stick to it.
It can be used for cheap repairs.
Guy 1: Oh no, my hat is split in half, How can I fix it?
Guy 2: Hey, we can use some Glue.
Guy 1: That sounds like a great idea!
A sticky thing that 9 year olds sniff and think they’re high
9 Yr old OFB fanboy (9)- Yo fam i sniffed glue fam im so high
Someone who is over 9- Gae
glue is what makes things stick together
I am going to glue thus paper to my head
something sticky that can stick something like paper onto a paper
i ate glue in second grade and survived
what retards eat during resess
heh heh look at that retard hes eating glue