Type any word... Type any word... Type any word... Type any word... Type any word... Type any word... Type any word... Type any word... Type any word... Type any word... Type any word, just do it! JUST DO IT!
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Unmotivated, Lazy, Dumpster Diver
Bronwyn saw somebody skip the midterm, and was like dang!!!! Thats Bronwyn's type
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When someone that you are IMing with types out a message but then never hits enter to send it, prompting the status message "friend has started typing" or "friend has entered text" for a while. A type tease then deletes the partially or wholly written message, making the "friend has started typing" status go away, so you know that they were going to send something but did not.
I was chatting with Melissa last night, and she always types stuff out, but then deletes it. She's such a type tease!
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its not the type you want to marry.
its the kind of girl u really like and u just dont only want to fuck her.
you like her alot
nahhh i aint gone do her like that....why?cause i really like her and she wifey type
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This is when you are typing on the computer while distracted or not viewing the screen, and you look up the words you had typed have seemingly disappeared. This is a common problem with many hunt and peck typers because they rarely look up to see what they typed. Dial-up internet can cause lag which does not help either.. Also if you have multiple windows open, while in the act of typing a private message, a simple pop-up or loading window can take over and revert your typing to that site or program. This seems harmless and more annyoing than anything but, most of today's society shares everything online and with the help of popular sharing sites like: Facebook or Myspace one can cause serious self-embarassment by misplacing information.
..As Chad and Colby chat about how they "scored" last night.. Chad, who is a slow typer with dial up, falls victim to Ghost Typing and posts his message as his facebook status..
Chad: So did you get anywhere with Taylor last night?
Colby: Nahh bro.. We're gonna wait..
Chad: Haha! sucks for you Mr. LTR!
Colby: Yeahh whatever man.. Did you score with Rebecca?
(Chads Facebook status finally loads)
Chad: (On Facebook) Rebecca? Hell yea I was hittin that all night long baby! But I gotta roll man pz out..
(Chad gets offline without noticing anything)
Colby: ... Haha he got offline, someones not proud..
Next Day on campus..
Colby: Hey bro, why did you sign off with out replying last night?
Chad: What? Yea I did man.. Your computer must have probs.. But anyways.. I tore that shit up!
(Rebeccas boyfriend, Rick, walks up)
Rick: Hey Chad.. So I heard what you and Becca did..
Chad: H-How?
Rick: Your status..
Colby: Haha peace out man your screwed..
Chad: ....
The moral is.. Don't be like Chad.
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Randomly typing a bunch of nonsense letters, symbols, and/or numbers, usually in IM, out of boredom, frustration, anger, or a random urge to do so.
Person A: Hellooooooo?
Person B: (IDLE)
Person A: fhas ufiody so jgkfhs8ojbfud ahg grye8gjreurd7897^&(^)&5 y7893728n578*yuhgsgn8789&
Person B: Sorry i was gone
Person B: Geez, looks like someone has a mad case of Typing Tourette's
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1. An alleged mistake made while typing, usually someone's name, on a form that goes to print.
2. Phonetic pun of name written down multiple ways from an original phonetic sound referred to as phonnampun.
3. Any error from phonetic analogs in sound to text, digitizing, or transcription service message referred to as amalgamorphoneticursiv or AMPC.
4. When auto-correct Kai-botches your keystrokes into touchscreen as multi disjointed tangential word clusters referred to as MultiDisjoinTangentaWortCluSS DTWC, and then you press the send button before noticing the monstrosity.
The search string yielded another type o when printed from a mobile phone screenshot of the SMS entered by 411 operator.
Transcribe correctly spells 50% of what I say into my phone so I prefer to battle technology with an auto correct type o instead.
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