A vote made for someone who isn't Donald Trump
That vote is totally a Fraudulent Election Vote, you can tell by the fact that it isn't a vote for Trump
Phrase used on the internet (founded by a man going under the alias of Flamecrest) to express your approval in a longer sentence than 'Okay.' or 'Sure.' Counterpart of 'To vote con'.
"We should totally have a Urban Dictionary sub-forum!"
"Sounds great, I vote pro."
When you feel elated that the candidate for which you voted won the election.
Ah, the vote gloat that occurs when someone like she wins.
(1) The Georgia's slogan, as of - January 5th 2021.
(2) A popular slogan in support for Raphael Warnock.
Republican voters: 'I am voting for a blond-haired blue-eyed robot billionaire.'
Democrat voters: Vote on lock for Warnock.
A phrase in Australia used after the gay marriage vote, to suggest someone is gay in a humourous manner
“Looks like someone voted yes”
Something that a person whose approval rating is consistently below 40% doesn't get.
"81 Million Votes, My Ass" is a popular satirical song about the voting count in 2020.