A quote from Cyanide and Happiness. Used twice.
Guy: "And thats how I lost all this weight" *chuckles*
Guy 2:I don't care *flys alway with an umbrella
Slogan people use to get overweight people to their website.
THE IMPOSSIBLE THAT FAT PEOPLE THINKHow to lose weight in 7 days without exercise or diet! IS POSSIBLE WHILE WE TRY TO GAIN WEIGHT
an international day held on the 22nd of march where males around the world lift weight with their genitals
i’m so excited for penis weight lifting day !
Machines used by women and men that are too afraid or misinformed to do an actual workout
I'm gonna go hit the calf raise and forearm weight machines even though I can barely do even a girl pushup.
is a plush that’s weighted n stuff
help im at a thing where i can make a weighted plush and my social anxiety is skyrocketing
That isn't progress (by the way)...
Hym "And your little sycophants have been on your dick for weeks about how much you've bulked up but they're all still just as ignorant as ever. It's not bulk. It's water weight. Get in the sauna fatty."