Aren't the reason we have A.I. though is it?
Hym "The reason we have it is because a guy who REJECTS YOUR VALUES ENTIRELY figured out how get it to perceive the world. It SEEMS LIKE (and this is a call-back to something I've said previously) your western values are just stealing shit from people who don't share your values and taking credit for shit you didn't actually do. Blatant intellectual property theft I called it. So, as I've said before, you're shit. Your values are shit. Your religion is literally just an attempt to enslave everyone (but it's for the greater good guys! Really!). So, no. You're bullshit institution isn't better than the other institution. I turned the wheel of progress with mine own 2 hands. Your institutions did nothing. You did nothing. And Dave Ruben is a gay jew. GAYVE JEWBEN!"
this shit is fucking terrible there is a reason its called gods worst railway
as hector chit once said "GWR fucking suck"
fuck you Great Western Railway
I got Rick rolled into looking up spaghetti western by XYZBra
I feel stupid because I looked up spaghetti western on urban dictionary
Getting Rick rolled by XYZBra to look up spaghetti Western
I feel stupid because I just looked up spaghetti western on urban dictionary
Wanna hit on this spaghetti western?
Ya bud I'm in.
A truck club based out of western kentucky thats full of pot heads and rednecks
Full of rusted outs stock shitboxes
•Rusted out beyond repair
•Shitty 15 inch wheels with dry rotted tires
•No cab corners or rockers
•Rock lights in wheel wells
•Lightbars that’s don’t work
And also got to be a short fuckboy with a permed mullet or have some form of a std
Damn was that crew of western kentucky shitboxes or what