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A way of saying nigga to white people

White guy: What's up ma wigga
Anothre white guy: What's up ma wigga

by NiggaLover69 February 26, 2020


Slang word for white person. If said by the wrong person you might get jumped.

My wigga my wigga what is you up to today

by Wasp1822 May 13, 2015


A white black person. A white person may call another white person wigga but a black person can't call a white person wigga.

Yo, what's up my wigga?!

by Mila2 December 15, 2012


Suburban white males, dressed in sperry's, pastel colored pants, buttoned down shirts or a polo and a popped color, with backwards visors or pre-frayed rims listening to music such as Biggie Smalls bopping to the beat while the smell of general homoeroticism envelopes the room.

What is happening in the room above, bro-in' it to Biggie Smalls...Frat boys asserting their manliness.

"Round 2 of his bro-fest"
'Yeah...I know. Is ... is that Biggie Smalls?'
"Uh..huh...a room full of wiggas."

by JelmoDeElmo April 14, 2010


A white slave. Word originated in Canada.

Look at that thicc wigga

by KingWigga69 February 16, 2020


Wigga is a slang word for white guy(does that mean it's rasist if over skins say it like white people say n****?)

Ayyyyy my wigga

by It's wagwon June 21, 2017


A white nigga (white people allowed to say)

White guy: aye yo what’s popping wigga
White guy 2: yo whats good

by Ayewhatsoppinbitched May 29, 2019