A horrible phenomenom which begun taking over middle class America in the mid-90's.
Still fixing lunches for 16 year old Bratty Tammy and her soccer-playing suburban brother Aiden? Then you're a soccer mom.Die.
66👍 6👎
Adverb- (1) When a female projects her voice in a manner that will make anyone jump out of their seat.
I don't know what happened, she used her mom voice and suddenly I'm taking out the trash.
Used to refer to someone’s mom
Dave - You’re mom
Mom - Yes I am
The best role model one could ever have. A beautiful lady who knows when her children need to be praised or disciplined, she doesnt go to far with punishments either. She is perfect.
New friend coming to my house for the first time: you have the best mom!
a ass so big she can break steel with it
codys mom s awhore
A middle aged woman who is still trying to be the prep they were when they were kids. They try to hide everything from their "beautiful precious children" and anything that isn't christian is satanic. The children are not allowed to be individual, oh goodness no!!! And of course, they have big honkin' SUVs. And they wear sweatpants. Oh. My. Gosh.
Me: *listening to Nirvana*
Soccer Mom: Please turn that atrocious music down, there are CHILDREN present!!!
Me: *turns it up*
Soccer Mom: OMYGOSH HOW DARE YOU, MY CHILD IS CORRUPTED BY YOUR MISBEHAVIOUR I'M GONNA CALL THE POLICE and did you know that my child is an honor student??
Me: *turns up music some more* Shut up bitch.
1224👍 190👎
A female who purposely produces children for the sole purpose of living off the Welfare benefits she will obtain for doing so.
Sindy doesn't need a job, she's a welfare mom. She's always getting some guy to help her make some more kids.
135👍 16👎