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butterfly kiss

When you rapidly blink your eye next to someone's cheek (or any place else) which makes your eyelash brush up and down against their skin.

She gave him a butterfly kiss every night before bed.

From the song "Butterfly Kisses"

by LisahOH December 13, 2003

631πŸ‘ 174πŸ‘Ž

First kiss

The first time you kiss some one (usually the opposite sex)

One of the best memories of your life.

Jake and holly first met in 5th grade.

They've liked eachother ever since they met.
They contiued into 7th grade 3 years later.

At the end of the year all the 7th graders at their school went on a class trip to what is basically outdoor school at the coast.



On the last night of the trip, holly was sitting on the beach looking out into the beautiful sunset all by her self.

Jake sees her and decided to finally make his move after 3 years.

He goes & sits next to her

They started talking for a few minutes.

Then right as the sun is about to set, jake leans over and kisses holly. Praying he won't screw it up.

Lasting 7 magnificent seconds they pull away.

Both in shock.

Both of them, their first kiss.

They smile at eachother.

& get up & start walking on the beach hand in hand.

Eventually they had to get back to the camp.

Jake walked holly to her cabin and kissed he once more good night

"good night"
"night" *holly starts to blush*
*jake smiles* finally after 3 years.- jake thinks to himself


by Aeseventee May 15, 2009

644πŸ‘ 179πŸ‘Ž

Kiss the Baby

A phrase made popular by NFL WR Chad OchoCinco, Kiss the Baby is commonly used in competition to symbolize the point of no return, or "the end" for the opposing team.

The San Diego Defense might as well Kiss the Baby because we've already won.

by T Freakin' C August 22, 2009

504πŸ‘ 140πŸ‘Ž

rainbow kiss

rainbow kiss is when a couple (heterosexual), have sex while the female is in her menstrual cycle and the man cums in in her mouth and he gets some blood from the woman's vagina and they kiss and mix the contents of their mouths. forming a beautiful rainbow kiss.

guy 1: ayo dawg, me and my bitch gonna try that shit, whats it called?.... a rainbow kiss, you know what that is?
guy 2: yes, thank god im gay
guy 1: WHAT

by urlocalhomo00 January 28, 2021

2732πŸ‘ 1033πŸ‘Ž

Dutch Kiss

A kiss for everyone.
A kiss for tolerance.
A kiss that can be exchanged at any time, anywhere, between anyone

The kiss that lasts forever.
Sometimes innocent, sometimes naughty… full of lust!

But always from the heart.

This Valentine, let’s spread the Dutch Kiss
If you believe love is a fundamental right for everyone
And every person may choose who they love, without restriction

- The Dutch Kiss between Madonna and Britney was inspiring!
- I just got a Dutch Kiss... from my dog

by Walldorfman January 15, 2014

136πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

Chefs kiss

Definition of literal perfection.

Someone: that kid that always reminded the teacher we had homework died!!!
Me: * chefs kiss *

by Angiepatangie November 4, 2020

174πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

Spanish Kiss

A blow job technique where the giving end places his/her lips at the tip of the penis exactly as it would do when blowing a kiss and then proceeds to suck the head in hard and fast for a couple times after popping the penis head.

This technique was introduced to the world by female spanish porn star Rebecca Linares which currently is the only one to perform it, making it her trade mark.

This girl gave me a spanish kiss so hard, she nearly popped my eyes out!

by Nunda May 29, 2014

83πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž