The Womb Drop is executed when you can successfully drop a Pregnant Woman off a building, without killing the baby.
Hey man, me and Jerry finally finished The Womb Drop.
Killing as a matter of speaking a bitch. In the movie Wizard of oz the wicked witch was killed by dropping a house on her.
Watch out you bitch, someone will drop a house on you sooner or later.
The act of killing a teammate in a video game for no apparent reason and need an excuse to say to not seem like a horrible person
Guy 1: (kills teammate)
Guy 2: Woah bro what was that for
Guy 1: Oops dropped my controller
When you unload a very nasty irish poop.
My buddy Butters ate a lot of fish and chips and drank some irish whiskey and had to drop a mahaney that absolutely destroyed his toilet.
"Dropping a Twuecy" means that one needs to use the bathroom (#2 style) in a manner that is too big to be called a "deuce" or "#2".
Damn, I'ma be dropping a twuecy like no other tonight after that burrito buffet.
When the white 14-year-olds start dancing
Oh, your friend danced at the Bass Drop? Cool I don't give a fuck
The act of butt chugging a beer, and then farting the beer out into someone's mouth.
I was feeling freaky, and she was thirsty. So, I had her lay down and I fed her a good old fashioned hacienda hot-drop.