A glossy top coat of nail polish
now we're gonna add a glossy taco cause we're gonna use nail vinals next - smiplynalocial aka Cristin
The gel top coat used over gel nail polish. Preferably holo polish for the holosexuals.
You let this holo dry then you put a glossy taco over it.
From SimplyNailogical: A glossy taco is a nickname given to the glossy "top coat" used on nails to make the nails shiny.
Cristine, from SimplyNailogical: Now add a glossy taco (insert image of taco emoji flying across screen)
the top coat for nail polish
what simplynailogical calls a top coat
a glossy coat
now we just apply the glossy taco
if you didn't want as much texture, add on a glossy taco
A quick try top coat for nails. The term was coined by the youtuber Cristine (a.k.a Simplynailogical) after she switch saying Top-Coat with Taco.
"Now you apply a Glossy Taco."
A clear, shiny nail Polish that protects the layers of nail Polish beneath it.
I am going to add a glossy Taco to protect my holographic nail polish and to make it shine.
SimplNailLogical's version of a Glossy top coat used on top of nail polish.
Now it's time for a Glossy taco!!
Let's put on a glossy taco!!