Short for Ping a.k.a. the laziest and rudest way to start a chat
1. Using P/Ping! instead of proper greetings means you lacking a basic Netiquette
2. I'll ignore your chat, block you, and report your chat as a spam if you sent me a P/Ping instead of proper greetings
3. Rule of this group:
P = banned
the letter p.
Sometimes used as an abbreviated form of the word pretty.
this is p neat
people are p stupid
If your name starts with P im sorry to tell you this but your the biggest than all the dicks that exist i hope you choke and die
-Yeah, P is a huge dick
the letter p
Daniel: "What's your favourite letter?"
Freddy: "p"
ok why do you ser the letter p are u ok or u are just a dumbass person wtf really why the
FRIKING letter p
No is just a letter p ok just a p just search a job honey
Made popular by young Wunna, basically anything that's cool and respected
Buying your momma a crib, that's P