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A person who pretends that they have a dark personality

Girl: I hate life and I want to kill everyone!

Boy: Quit being a try hard emo, I know you actually love life and your spoiled!

by Suicidal Potterhead December 13, 2018

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Anti-Emo Goths

Those dark, evil, vengeful teens who call themselves goths and whatnot. They tend to attack what they call "emo-goers" and "emo-teens." They wear the typical goth clothing and carry weapons at all times. Many have a fair arsenal at home that they keep in cas of an "Emo-attack." Sometimes they will provoke and taunt "emo-teens," then attack them. All in all, they aren't nice people when crossed by an Emo-teen.

"Hey man, let's get with the other Anti-Emo Goths and hunt down some of those pansy Emo-goers."

by Nolan Corbin May 17, 2005

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Scene vs. Emo

Scene and Emo are similar styles, i would call it categories, Emo stands for emotional. You listen to hard rock and emotional songs if ur emo. Scene is kind of the same, with the difference that scene people are not that emotional. Some people say that the difference is that emo people cut themselves. Sometimes, sometimes no. Scene have mostly a colorful hair.

Im not a scene/emo expert but im kinda scene. I know as much emo as scene people and i know a little. No need be called fucked up lifes, or fags or anything offencive just cuz theyre different. And no ones different, everyone is special.

Scene vs. Emo
come on its not a war...

by DomoGirl June 24, 2011

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Emo Teenie Bopper

Female teenagers, usually age between 11 to 18 who think they are cooler than other female teenagers because instead of listening to Jonas Bros or Miley Cyrus, they listen to "bands" like My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy. Can be easily spotted because their style consists of thick black eyeliner,and they'll wear nothing but their favorite band merch from head to toe. The most common places to find them are on the first 50 rows of My Chemical Romance gigs or at your nearest Hot Topic. Will usually snapped when you called their favorite bands emo or pop rock because to them that is what real rock music sounds like.

Old Person: Teenie boppers nowadays sure look different. Back in my days, they were wearing flirty skirts screaming for Elvis but now they all look the same with their thick eyeliner and stuff.

Me: Yeah, they're called 'emo teenie bopper'.

by NoRules August 20, 2009

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emo mirror picture

Photos taken in the mirror by emo kids for their myspace profiles. The subjects usually have very sad faces like they are about to cry or sing a really wussy emo kid song.

"Look at that emo mirror picture on this profile, that kid is really sad."

by meat eaters and vegan chompers June 29, 2005

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National Emo Day

A day for the all emos to congregate together for a mass non-celbration, and general whine about life.

Celebrated on the 19th of December.

"oh my god... My life is like, so totally HARD."
"yeah me too... I hate my life, like SO much"
"hey, you know what we should do?"
"go to national EMO day"
"omg yeaaaah!!
I mean, like. Okay, Whatever, man."

by Johnatronn December 5, 2009

44๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone who you really cant label, but who is sure as hell not a hippy
someone who knows a million bands no one else has ever heard of
someone who will good naturedly rip your head off if they havn't had caffine in over an hour and you call a band 'black metal' when its actually gothic
some one awsome, individual, and preferably ginger

kerstie-lou, an awsome friend of mine, is the perfect 'emo-goth-metalhead'
dont know anyothers
if you kno anyone similar, please say
were looking out for you incredible people
see also: unique awsome kerstie kirstie emo goth metalhead

by a.different.luna September 12, 2009

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