Not as good a drink as "coconut what did you just say to me?" But passible. It gets the job done. I'ma beat your ass with it.
What you want me to put it in a sentence? Fuck you! I'm a just keep drinking mango bitch slap
Slap the sh*t out of a person, literally getting them in hospital while looking like Papi Hans, a bulgarian singer. This is done when your left-handed friend uses WASD with right hand.
A: My friend is a lefty and uses WASD with right hand.
B: Just Papi Hans Slap that disgusting human
The art of slapping a woman or man with only the tip of your penis.
This may also be used as a game for friends when someone passes out. Bonus points for leaving a mark.
Dude i peaker slapped the shit out of that chick when she talked back to me.
Hey dude johnny passed out lets peaker slap him!
same motion as a high 5 but only can be used when there was no previous happyness and now happyness is present.
Jay: im pretty bored what you wanna do?
Pat: lets go drive around with a saw mask on scaring people.
Jay: yes! -happyness slap-
a person who is addicted to repetitively slapping random people's genitals
Rob picked up a car full of girls... he is such a slap whore!
1. - When a woman has excessively large labia majora, she may pull on both lips spread like a butterfly, while riding a mans face, then proceed to slap him in the face with said lips.
2. - When a woman holds a mans head between her feet, repeatedly smacking his head into her vagina.
"Man I was eating her out last night, then she grabbed my head with her feet and started to coot slap me."
A Holy Week (29 nov. to 5 dec.) where all kinds of slapping (a ESPECIALLY on foreheads) is prohibited. You slap someone’s forehead, you have to give them a cig.
Pers 1: *slaps forehead*
Pers 2: Hehe give me my cigarette bitch
Pers 1: Why ???
Pers 2: it’s No slap week week !!