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Trump Bump

Period between trump's being elected, and inauguration where the market had the longest bull run in history, increasing 10%.

Wendy's stock rose 25% during the Trump Bump

by Femaleshitposter January 26, 2017

26πŸ‘ 359πŸ‘Ž

Donald Trump

One of the best presidents in the history of America.

β€œDonald Trump is an amazing president”

by November 25, 2020

59πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Trump 20/20

similar to hindsight it is the regret one feels for knowing they voted for trump in 2016 and the determination to avoid such mistakes in the future.

"I noticed that Jimmy stopped wearing his maga hat"
"Oh yeah, he's got some trump 20/20 happening."

by The God of Tacos October 23, 2019

33πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Trump Infatuation Syndrome

Trump Infatuation Syndrome (TIS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their infatuation of Donald Trump, to the point at which they will abandon all logic and reasoning.

Symptoms for this condition can be very diverse, ranging from sudden outbursts screaming MAGA, to a complete mental break. TIS can also often result in the sufferer exhibiting sexist/racially motivated violent outbreaks, homicidal, or even genocidal desires.

Paranoia is also a common symptom of TIS. Sufferers have been known to believe that they are in some way being persecuted through a deep state shadow government. This does not change their admiration for narcissistic authoritarian leaders and their repudiation for any check against the abuse of power.

If properly treated, suffers of TIS can make a full recovery. Treatment includes a reduction or complete elimination of Fox News, an understanding of science and reasoning, and talking to minority members of society.

Person 1: Did you hear about that meeting in Trump tower between Trump Jr and a Kremlin connected lawyer.

Person 2: That's just the deep state using the FBI to impeach Trump.

Person 1: Oh really? But didn't Trump Jr. admit to the meeting?

Person 2: The media really are the enemy of the people.

Person 1: Sounds like you have Trump Infatuation Syndrome.

by PowerfulTruth July 23, 2018

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Trump The China Builder

Donald Trump will be remembered by all Chinese. He is the one who banned Huawei, which made all Chinese realize China must continue to develop cutting-edge technology no matter what; he is the one who irritated colored community to intensify riots, which illegitamize Hong Kong young thugs; he is the one who smashed the fantasy of pro-western Chinese that western countries will give China peaceful environment during the rise of China. In one word, China became more unified by Trump. Hence, Donald Trump is called the "Trump The China Builder".

- (ask a random Chinese) Who is the president of China?
- Xi? I am not sure...
- Who is the president of America?
- Trump The China Builder!

by IdolWaiter June 12, 2020

Steaming Trump Pile

The feeling of disappointment and shame when you look back over your shoulder discovering the trail you left on your carpet. A synonym for the gift left in your yard by the neighbor's dobermann, which often results in that stink on the bottom of your shoe.

Watch out for the Steaming Trump Pile in your front yard, otherwise you might regret it!

by seudokode November 7, 2020

Trump as House Speaker

When some morally bankrupt ultra-MAGA lawmakers are entertaining the idea to nominate their ex-Commander in Cheat as the next House Speaker (who doesn’t have to be an elected member of Congress) as days-long bitching, backstabbing, and infighting continue to plague the polarized GOP.

As his politically inept and serially corrupt yes-men and women can’t see eye to eye with the moderates, the Pinocchio-in-Chief is relishing at their far-fetched or idiotic proposal of β€œTrump as House Speaker.”

by Fasters October 21, 2023

11πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž