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green light

is a slang or definition when members of latin american gangs give light to the kill of a traitor (snitch)

we give the green light, you do it so that no one finds out about it

by gangslangs June 17, 2023

The green new deal

A way for big corporations to act like they are doing anything about climate change and stop actual policy changes.

Biden voter: The green new deal is going to stop climate change, finally corporations are actually caring about the future generations.
John: You're literally a conservative.

by Socdem6002 July 30, 2022

1👍 1👎

green stinker

when you finger goes into her ass and smell so nasty like green chili pepers

Me: I gave Jeremy a green stinker last night.

Person: Really? :O

Me: Haha yes

by gh0ul March 30, 2020

Green fingered

Related to nature

Hi josh you are green fingered

by Scienceethan June 6, 2020

green chipmunk

The 'gamma' of the group. The 3rd in a trio and has grand delusions of being the top dog such as in the Chipmunks.

Brett: 'Samo is the green chipmunk in our group.'
Anthony: 'I agree.'

by Burnzer September 22, 2017

Management By Green Dot

When someone manages a work-from-home employee by checking that their status in a chat application like Slack, Microsoft Teams, etc., hasn't shifted from a green dot signifying "Present/Available" to an orange, yellow, or red dot signifying "Away", rather than by measuring things like quality and quantity of work output, whether deliverables are met in a timely fashion, customer satisfaction, etc.

With the explosion in employees working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020+, many managers who had been accustomed to prowling cube farms and looking over their employees' shoulders to make sure they were working, resorted to this technique.

"My manager totally does management by green dot. I got yelled at for being 'Away' on Slack yesterday morning because I had to spend half an hour on the phone with my kid's school. I'm going to have to get one of those mouse jigglers."

by ImTiredandINeedaNap October 9, 2021

Red and green

Kind of like Christmas colors, blood is red, money is green, and those are the two colors most people no matter their surface shade of skin are thinking about most of the time. Even the colorblind.

Red and green is what is on most people's minds most of the time.

by The Original Agahnim July 2, 2021