The coolest and chillest mf around. A chad bro just reeks positivity, he will spot you at the gym or lend you a couple bucks if needed. Constantly uses phrases such as bro, dude, that’s dope, or sickkkk
Guy1: Hey Chad-bro, can I borrow some twenties?
Chad-bro: No problem dude.
Guy2: That Chad-bro was so chill bro. I think I might wanna be a chad bro now.
Guy1: Agreed bro. Let’s both be Chad-Bros.
When someone says something and absolutely no one cares or when someone tries to say something funny but fail, but you decide to say it in a different way. Additionally, you can use a emoji like "💀" or "😐"
Ryan: that's litteraly wrong..stop spreading misinformation
Samey: alright bro 💀
When two bros willingly and agreeingly engage in an argumentative intoxicated settlement involving physical contact.
Bro: ey brah you wanna get in a bro brawl
Brah: bro, lets get some drugs or else it's not a bro brawl
Bro: I willingly agree to get involved in this argumentative intoxicated settlement involving physical contact.
Brah: I concur.
a small bro
just a little dude
someone who just gives off a small vibe
man1- "yo, look at lil bro over there"
man2- "that guy totally gives lil bro energy"
Typically used by the teenagers who are genetically built like a Stick bug, they only drink energy drinks and game on their shitty MacBook.
They also usually use a lot of abbreviations, because moving any part of their body is too much energy, even pressing a few keys with their disgusting, booger infested fingers, they also mainly roam in the depths of discord, Roblox, da hood, and they are most likely JJK viewers who cosplay in Roblox has Gojo or Toji. If you see these vermin, please leave the area or game because they will most likely make you lose braincells due to them even existing.
NOTE: if you beat their asses in a game, expect them to say "bet"
V4MP: "I'm finna win next time, lil bro"
V4MP2: "Keep dreaming, lil bro"