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Man hole cover

A cover protecting a mans ass, usually used in jail.

"Man, should of gotten a man hole cover!"

by Matt January 26, 2004

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blow hole

what a nose piercing becomes when the piercee sneezes

"A booger flew out of her blow hole and hit her right in the eye.

by Capt. A Hab September 10, 2009

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butt hole plug

a stake used to kill vampires

hey doug look at that butt hole plug over there....you could kill vampires with that....

by NiCkEnBoCkEr September 1, 2003

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fire in da hole

used when expressing an immediate need to vacate the area, due to a eye-tearing sage (see 'sage' for definition)

background: you and your buddies are enjoying a nice meal of refired beans, saucerkraut, and hot peppers, when suddenly....

" sage!! ooops - FIRE IN DA HOLE !!!!" he exclaimed while proceedingto the toilet to 'freshen up'

by joe shit the rag man April 18, 2004

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Black Hole Sun

A Canadian shot of Jaggermeister

excuse me bartender , can I have 4 Black hole suns? (Sons)

by csjdb October 11, 2013

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bone hole

(verb, trans) bone holing
(1) to stymie a routine function through lack of consideration or general apathy
(2) re-routing someone through endless bureaucratic channels

(1) When you mail the checks really late, it bone holes me yet again.
(2)Government tech guy: Some lady just called me to say she needs a software upgrade, and I gave her the bone hole answer to fill out Form Z.

by ERoMo September 5, 2007

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The Egyptian hole kicker

When a Egyptian child gets a running start and hits a man in the ass, which causes the penis to be inserted into the pussy for the ultimate ejaculation.

Yo I was down when my wife wanted to do the Egyptian hole kicker

by Cuteboithiccems69 February 5, 2021

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