Bad fellow Benningfield junior active on the basketball courts.
Maclonnbeveli onenie benningfield junior 1onnie Benningfield junior LONNIE BENNINGFIELD JUNIOR and the law breakers as in tiebreakers of onenie benningfield junior 1onnie Benningfield junior LONNIE BENNINGFIELD JUNIOR.
Maclonnbeveli no limit. stop at nothing to be on top. DouBJrag life. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior.
I invented and made and created bad felbjratives maclonnbeveli. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior.
A child who doesn’t know how to act, who is vulgar, and causes ruckus.
Child: Fuck you grandpa!
Grandpa Bob: Stop being a bad follower you vulgar child!
when you have horrible spelling and my friend (named aiden) says
“you guys have bad spells”
y/n : wtf aiden
and you proceed to harass him about it till he dies
“You guys have bad spells.”
A guy who is still attached to a girl that already dumped him
H: lol i can't get over her
H: shut up no im not ur just mad
I shit next to a building like
Literally i shit next to a building...
And it was diarrhea
Im so sorry i had shit next to the bad emilee
when someone sucks at a certain game or action which makes them suck at everything at life and is a absolute loser at life
A good boy, a bad boy, a good bad boy, a half good half bad half boy is a boy that would never settle for you. Your best bet is to lower your expectations a few. Although you may think the love of your life only exists in your mind. Guess what... YOU'RE RIGHT!!
Madison: I just want a guy thats sweet. A guy thats tough. A feminist who likes to pay for stuff
Brooklyn: The kind of guy that'll get along with my friends w/o being attracted to any of them
Madison: A good boy!
Brooklyn: A bad boy!
Brooklyn and Madison: A HALF GOOD HALF BAD HALF BOY!!
Bo: You ladies needa settle down. A good boy; a bad boy; a good bad boy; a half good, half bad, half boy would never settle for YOU