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Rock ‘N’ Roll

You say you wanna set the night on fire
But there's just one thing
That you need to take you higher
1-2-3 let's go! Rock 'n' Roll...
It's Friday night we're gonna hit the lights
It's you and me, we're gonna Rock 'n' Roll, All night!
It's Saturday, and there's just no way we're gonna sit home
Alone, well oh no.
Let me take you one step higher!
Rock 'n' Roll is gonna set the night on fire.

Rock 'n' Roll is gonna set the night on fire.

We're the burning flames, too wild to tame,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're gonna shock the world. All right.
In Hollywood, wake up the neighborhood,
All the boys and girls, they're gonna scream and shout, hey!
Let me take you one step higher!
Rock 'n' Roll is gonna set the night on fire.
Let me take you one step higher!
Rock ‘N’ Roll is gonna set the night on fire.
We're the baddest boys, making noise,
Break the chains, what do you say, Rock 'n' Roll...

by Death Menace June 14, 2023

Rick Roll Day

On July 28th We celeabrate the day Rick Astly Never Gonna Give You Hit 1 Billion Views and funny enough it hit it around 4:20pm EST go send your best rick rolls on this day.

We shall celeabrate Rick Roll Day as the hit song reached 1 billion view on this day.

by Sergeant Frank Woods July 29, 2021

Rick Roll Day

On Wednesday, July 28th, 2021 a video called "Rick Roll" By Rick Astley reached 1 BILLION views! To celebrate/honor this incredible feat everyone must rick roll each other on July the 28th.

Its July 28th, Rick Roll Day! Time to rick roll someone.

by bab the epicest July 29, 2021

Toilet Paper roll is empty

These are the feeling's one will get when they see an empty toilet paper roll
You will be sitting on that toilet until someone helps you or you have to take a walk to your nearest Full toilet paper roll


by Pyromain2018 February 21, 2022

1👍 1👎


being tricked into hearing the Nazi war Song "Erika"

Heres the link to the site. Thank you..... its a Reich-Roll I:

by Cargo_Beep_Beep September 12, 2020

Sweet Rolling

The inability to keep any plans or commitments. Also known as bailing.

I was gonna hang with my friends but I ended up sweet rolling instead.

by nolanhater34 April 30, 2022

Euro Roll

When one European man lays flat on his back and inserts his penis into a woman (non-European) who lays face down on top of him. Both completely flat facing one another. A third European man joins in and lays flat, face down on top of the woman and he then inserts his penis into her anus. Now all three are layed flat and layered on top of each other. Once in that final position they roll around staying in that firm 3 layered position. (It's been described visually as watching a hot dog continuously rotate on a rotisserie at a convenient store)

Person 1: Yo, did hear what happened to Savannah in Europe?...Heard she got Euro Rolled while in Amsterdam.

Person 2: Sounds like her Europe trip is "rolling" along just fine

by Callie Cumz July 29, 2017