vanessa aka nessa is a girl who loves pussy and kate a.
kayleigh: omg is that vanessa jr s ?
kate: yes that is vanessa jr s
A loner who will die alone. He has long hair and people call him a coconut. He stuffs his face with ice cream every time he’s sad (Which is most of the time.) He gets rejected a lot. (He cries himself to sleep after most rejections, usually for a month.)
1. He looks like a coconut! Must be Adam S
2. He’s such a loner! Must be Adam S
3. He’s gonna die alone. He’s probably Adam S
That one hella perverted kid who from the age of 10 is looking at and commenting on girls asses and titties. FAT NONCE.
Person 1: Hey! Did you see Adam S ask out that 10 year old girl and look at her tits.
Person 2: Yeah.
similar to icup it's a forsaken comeback that if reply with a yes the replying persons back will explode breaking their spine then slowly combusting then dieing.
"your momma," said the fool
'hey do you like d r a g o n s fuck tard? says the m a n
" yea..." says the fool
"d r a g o n d e e z n u t z " replies the m a n
spin Xplosions} OH ShIneaqwa NIBBA. compusts and dies
The most amazing thing that can happen to a guy. She can make him feel strong enough to do anything. The one person that you should value over every other thing. You must protect her for she is the most special thing that could ever happen to you.
"obi”s Muffins are yummy." "You need a life..."
Redox A¤S!"# is a person that is better than everyone, even Niko at every cs game to date, he also has perfect aim and 25 rws on esea
He's almost as good as Redox A¤S!"#
Limelight S as 11 k-pop group in Singapore.
Limelight S as 11 k-pop group in Singapore.