A slang term for the male penis
Joe: Yo I heard that Seth got quite the Pet T-Rex
Bill: Nah his dick is small for his size
Everyone thinks the 90’s kids who grew up going outside and without social media, but there were a select few born in the 2000’s specifically known as “Gen T” who grew up just as a 90’s kid did, riding bikes all day, exploring abandoned places, staying out until the street lights came on, no phones or internet, just sticks and mud and a good pair of converse.
“I’m Gen-T, not a millennial or Gen X, or Gen Z, I am Generation-T.”
only the best band ever made up by holly and luna. they are known for almost dying alot when together with nikki the other child of the night---- down below you will se the lyric to their best song---- they are known for feliz navidad.
that is how to be a shetling, by S H E T L I N G S
Hey little one, don't forget to have fun
you are such a ball because i want you to fall off the flat earth. ;)
As for you, you smell of poo
Somebody febreze you
So le-let me move
This is how to be a shetling
they like a little sharting
We'll get you yoted off the flat earth
A keeeeebler, singing “we-e-e love you”
How to be a shetling
They like a little sharting
We'll get you yoted off the flat earth
A keeebler, singing “we-e-e love you”
Jk we don't
'Cause we hey-ey-ey ate you
Do you understand, you are not a man
But if you think you are, we’ll have yoted to mars
If you get yoted, chances of life are slim
And when you die, you will no longer be a guy
This is how to be a shetling
They like a little sharting
We'll get you yoted off the flat earth
A keeebler, singing “we-e-e love you”
Jk we don't
'Cause we hey-ey-ey ate you
We'll get you yoted off the flat earth
A keeebler, singing “we-e-e love you”
This is how to be a SHE-EH-EH-EHTLING
and that is the meaning of the S H E T L I N G S
Ingrid T is the best person in the world. Everyone loves her so much. And she is unbelievably hot. Like look at that ass, like whaat
Ingrid T: "Hello everyone"
Ingrid T: "You guys are the sweetest"
Everyone else: "Give me a piece of that ass"
Like dont drink the Kool Aid and references the t in christianity.
TLOB is a word that means your gonna die and you become god and you grant wishes and you do stuff
Hi! I'm (T)LOB and I became god for somehow. Mmm.. I'm gonna die like a hamster, wait i cant grant wishes.
The predacious U.S. President with tiny hands, who wanted to be king, waving his arms from the elbows with a curious garbled roar.
That T-rump made me want to run and hide even faster than T-rex, and he sure put the ass in Jurassic.