A word so disgusting it cannot be said near a group of humans. The meaning is so vile that a proper definition cannot be gave.
Hey my boyfriend really annoyed me last night, so i did drop kick ball on him
a person which works the fact they went to a US ivy league university and/or Standford into any conversation.
Sorry, I don't understand. Oh I see. Uh, at Harvard we call them "concentrations." - Toofer, 30Rock.
As a pleb, Toofer dropped the crimson in the previous statement.
When a suitable adult "drops" off a toddler between the ages of 1-5yrs and forces you to watch him through a non existent verbal questioning. Your are then forced to watch this child because you are a good person and like doing what's right.
Ugh! I just got baby dropped again! now I have to watch my sisters kid for hours till she gets back from her shopping spree.
When a Fantasy Football Manager gets mad that he misses the playoffs and drops all his star players!
I'm about to salty drop my whole squad!
After you dropped the fucking sope
God damn it, dropped the sope again. Oh shit here comes Tyron and he has lots of friends with him
Awkwardly telling your ex-wife about a stupid & minor domestic problem.
"So I was trying to tell Francie about how gassy the dog's been recently and man, I really dropped an omelette there."
Used to refer to when a loud beat of continuous bass is about to start.
Yeah man its mad calm music but just wait cause the Bombs Aboutta Drop