someone who freaks out because a girl doesnt allow them on her spam
That dude is such a simp. He really threw a tantrum because he wasn't allowed on Alice's spam
A man who pretends to respect women in order to manipulate them into having sex. Usually a self-proclaimed nice guy.
Erin: Hey, I heard Emily's boyfriend saying some misogynistic stuff about her, I thought he was a feminist?
Blake: Wow. He's probably a simp.
the word that someone who has never talked to a girl before uses when someone treats a girl like a human
neckbeard: simp!
me: don't you have other things to do than calling me a simp? like filling up your mlp cum jar?
when a guy starts to give all attention to another person.
Nebora: Hey, you hear Avi was talking to Swales?
Meeko: Yeah, Avi's a Simp.
Nebora: Definitely