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zix moment

zixllrd has a moment

ALEK: was gonna ask but zix moment

by zixllrd January 12, 2021

zix moment

when zixllrd does something that annoys alek

alek: i was gonna ask albou but nah nvm zix moment

by zixllrd January 12, 2021

Jagen Moment

When someone named Jagen does something so Jagen that the only thing you can think of is "Jagen Moment".

That is a certified Jagen Moment.

by David "David" D, Davidson November 5, 2021

santa claus moment

When a small child sits on Mankind's lap, causing him to realize his life calling as a Santa Claus.

"You had a Santa Claus moment," said an already living Santa Claus to Mankind. -from the documentary I am Santa Claus. 2014 .

by ElGatoGuapo October 12, 2017

kbbl moment

when kbbl does a big funny

kbbl: *does a big funny*
lol kbbl youre so funny, what a kbbl moment

by heeeeck December 21, 2020

whore moment

a moment in which a person's brain functions are so limited that all they can do is be horny and talk about sex.

I wouldn't engage with Henry right now, he's having a whore moment.

by The Answer Is 9 November 4, 2021

Talibur Moment

When someone commits an act of racism, homophobia, or just something stupid in general, something highly likely that the individual known as Talibur has committed.

Person 1: Yo, Mondo just got banned for saying the n-word!
Person 2: Talibur Moment.

by Warybabe September 16, 2021