When you twist your balls like a faucet, then use your cream to hydrate her skin.
Hey babe. Lemme perform The Michael Cera Water Hose on you. I wanna hydrate your skin.
One of the many “Lobotomy” phrases from geometry dash 2.2. This one is typically paired with the easy difficulty face moving, changing size or appearing. Also seen as an enemy/ally to fire in the hole.
Someone stole the fire from the hole! WATER ON THE HILL 💧!
guy 1 : Fire in the hole is better than water on the hill
guy 2 : fuck you
The exact opposite of "Fire in the hole" from the hit game: "Geometry Balls"
A Serena Waters is one of the most intelligent, sporty, attractive, average-sized, female you will ever meet. If you ever hear of someone meeting a Serena Waters, they sure have been blessed by baby Jesus himself xx
"I met a Serena Waters! She was so gorgeous. And smart!! Brains AND beauty!!!"
Whenever coitus is performed at the beach in the breakers, and the balls are slapping off of the receivers ass cheeks while simultaneously waves crash and break hitting the receiver’s face filling their mouth with salt water. At the end, the receiver must keep their mouth closed and the salty load of cum is masked by the relentless salt water slapping.
Mike: Hey Trav - did you take a walk on the beach last night with your girlfriend and propose to her?
Travis (Travvy): No, I didn’t propose. But I whispered sweet nothings in her ear and things got hot and heavy. I bent her over in the sand where the waves were breaking and gave her the ole ‘in and outtie’
Mike: no, my friend - you gave her the ‘Salt Water Travvy’