Man city isn't actually a football team it is an oil rig digging into the heart of Saudi Arabia
Man city supporter is someone who wants to lick sterling's gun tattoo
A person from Chicago and Chicagoland suburbs who is delicate, refined, and nimble
The chi-city mouse
A sarcastic expression that can be used to playfully mock a statement said in broken english, including grammatically incorrects statement or a statement with incorregly speeled werds. Can be said in real life, or over text. Usually said to a third party listener before to the person who said the sentence, or at the same time.
Person A: Yesterday's interview were great!
Person B, to person C: England is my city!
A true statement for 2825 people across the world.
You know it's Nick Crompton and my collar stay poppin'. Yes, I can rap and no, I'm not from Compton. England is my city. And if it weren't for Team 10, then the US would be shitty. I'll pass it to Chance 'cause you know he stay litty.
Credit to: Nick Crompton
The act of masterbating into a COVID mask and putting in on a bearded man's face, thus letting the discharge ooze into the man's facial hair.
I just gave Travis Kelce the old 'Kansas City Creamer'
A fictional location, often a Middle Eastern city, that follows the basic visual style of what it’s trying to convey but falls flat in every other aspect. It does not feel like it has history, it does not feel lived in, it does not feel immersive. It simply feels like the creator used a very surface-level knowledge of how things should vaguely be shaped and colored and designed the entire location around that.
Man, this game’s map is so boring. Everywhere just feels like Abdul City.
Not to be confused with the city of industry in the Los Angeles area the industrial city refers to south San Francisco a city located just to the you guessed it south t
Of za
Of San Francisco proper.
The industrial city even has a sign high upon a peak in the San Bruno mtns that promotes itself As such similar to the Hollywood sign in the Los Angeles area