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Dropping the skinny

(Verb) To educate some uneducated fools about something you know.

College professor: OK, students. I will be dropping the skinny on you all about Schrodinger ’s equation and its use in quantum mechanics.

by Undeveloped Peanut October 17, 2020

Yves Dropping

An act commonly associated with wiretapping by French intelligence agencies

Also an approperiate descriptor of an any uninvited French, French-Canadian or any French speaker listening to your private conversations...

"-Golly my phone sounds all whack! Either i'm on the line with Longmont Potion Castle, or someone's Yves Dropping on me again..."

by Fred Yoda November 23, 2022

Drop the L sign

a disrespectful gang sign which some opps claim to disrespect ''L Block'' associates, almost associated with Crips, BD's and GD's.

Drop the L sign

by FDC Eskob February 28, 2018

drop keel

When someone sits on a random person's lap without wearing any underwear.

The Scotsman wearing his kilt, drop keel'd onto a girl riding the bus

by 10/10 Would Not Do November 16, 2017

Drop some squash

Slang/vulgar way of saying the action of defecation aka, “going poop”.

“Hey Brett you seen a bathroom anywhere? I gotta drop some squash ASAP.”
Also used as an adjective,
“Hold on a second, I’m dropping some squash!

by Major Monkey May 21, 2023

Dropping the plop plops

When fishing with a lure

“Im gonna drop the plop plops here”

Plop plop here and a plop plop there”

Dropping the Plop plops is the Act of fishing

by Obnoxus October 1, 2023

Dropping the meeses

To place a neatly wrapped stack of bills onto the table or platform directly in front of a stripper. A move not generally used by experienced strip-club attendees. Cf., "making it rain."

"I am such a baller. Perhaps even a shot caller. I told that lady of the night that I was dropping the meeses on her and then she grinded up on me."

"Yeah, and then she used your toupee as a merkin."

by tjp3 May 23, 2007