Divine moment
A divine moment is a situation where someone:
1. Total self-contradiction by debunking their own previous point.
2. Claims they will do something specific and then religiously does the exact opposite.
3. Acts in direct contradiction to an argument they just made.
4. Argues passionately about a topic they know jack shit about.
5. Displays annoying, contradictory, or hypocritical behavior.
These moments are marked by their blatant inconsistency, unintentional irony, and is often unintentionally hilarious or frustrating due to their sheer lack of self-awareness.
Divine: Well done, you figured out this word has different meanings.
Victim: You just acted like there weren't any..
Witness: Divine moment lol
A divine moment is when someone exhibits:
1. Total self-contradiction by debunking their own previous point.
2. Claims they will do something specific and then does the exact opposite.
3. Acts in direct contradiction to an argument they just made.
4. Argues passionately about a topic they know jack shit about.
5. Displays annoying, contradictory, or hypocritical behavior.
These moments are often unintentionally hilarious or frustrating due to their sheer lack of self-awareness.
Culprit: Well done, you figured this word has different meanings.
Victim: You just acted like there weren't..
Witness: Divine moment
An extreme variant of a coomer moment.
"You just had a waker moment after looking at that anime girl."
a way of telling your friends that you have witnessed a horrific accident or moment in time.
person 1 :" yeah my dog died today, another day another Rupert Jones moment"
person 2 : "damn bro, i feel you"
a pie offered by a restaurant in a particular moment
Have you ever tried the pie of the moment?
When someone asks a mentally disabled or retarted question
Man: "how to breath"
this is a example of a dogbot moment
Describes an instance of a hacker/cheater in a video game being completely obvious and obnoxious with their hacks/cheats, the joke being that it's only to make them feel powerful.
"Had a gaming chair moment last night, fucker was instakilling us cross map."